Thursday, October 8, 2009


Wel well well! Time flies...I am much older than my last blog (and a mom too now) but not much wiser :-) I guess I'll just keep on learning over and over again and each time I think I am stagnating high on the s-curve...there starts another curve

My little girl is 4 months and a week old today :-)... and I am back to learning again!

I have been thinking on how exactly to catalogue/share my day to day experiences. It is only now that I thought of 'myislandinthesun'..this is a puurfect place :-)

So, folks, at four months + Niki's now
- started to rollover on her own (though attimes her hand gets stuck and she does not manage to get it free inspite of her best efforts! c'est la vie, is'nt it?)
- now she's been trying to hold the bottle on her own for sometime and finally yesterday, for the first time, she held it with her small hands
- and yes, yesterday was also karvachauth (indian festival which calls for a v strict fasting regime for the long life of your husband)..I had organised the event at our place, with all the ladies coming over for festivities, and little Nikita had a ball of time getting attention from sooo many folks
- though she's not picked-up on her eating..skinny girl she is, while her mom keeps hoping her to grow chubbier :-)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

regular blogger!

i was just reading my last blogs and am suprised at what all i have written and forgotten... and much to my ammusement i saw what i had put as purpose of this blog... 'regular bloging'

bulls**t (could have written the whole thing but then i thought what if my kiddo one day happens to read this!)...

anyways, been tremendously busy lately have got some added responsibilities to my role in office..i hope one day (soon) this translates to more dough and a different title as well ;-) (...just incase my boss one day discovers this blog)... that was on work front.... but even on personal front there are 10k things happening...

i am in between maids: which means have to work at home as well! poor me..but will get a new one next week and then will get busier training the poor soul to my satisfaction (but alas will i ever be satisfied!)

waiting for the security guys to come and install the cameras @ home...will tell u the story on why we chucked our old maid and why the security camera next time... remind me, will u? ;-)
